No Respect 4 Status Quo (#NOQUO) Experience
The “No Respect 4 Status Quo (#NOQUO) Experience” is an initiative that supports better integration of supplier diversity with business culture. NOQUO is hosted by DDB’s Diversity + Creativity Partners Program and sponsored by Omnicom Agencies as well as the NY/NJ Minority Supplier Development Council and Best in Class Partners. This unique, invitation-only showcase and panel series features diverse companies supporting the advertising industry, an elite group of agency leaders, C-Suite chats and a Mix + Mingle relationship-building hour.
The “#NOQUO Mix + Mingle” hour is a time to engage with industry people, expand your network, and build a rapport with agency leaders, diverse suppliers and brands. The supporters of #NOQUO include diverse suppliers and partners, brands with diversity initiatives, and agency teams throughout the DDB and Omnicom Group Networks.
The launch of “NO RESPECT 4 STATUS QUO (#NOQUO): A Supplier Diversity Experience” took place at the DDB New York Headquarters on September 28th, 2016 during Advertising Week. Attendees were welcomed by the Champions of the Diversity + Creativity Partners Program along with Keith Reinhard, Chairman Emeritus DDB Worldwide; Brian Quirke, CFO DDBNA; and Dawn Fitch-Mitchell, Director of Supplier Diversity, DDB Worldwide. Our leaders shared the importance of collaborating with diverse talent and business owners as it relates to DDB and its historical, present and future commitment to an inclusive culture. Check out DDB Leadership’s feelings about status quo here: DDB Diversity Instagram: #NOQUO Quotes
The #NOQUO experience is not a one-time event. Chosen suppliers will be invited to attend and experience the DDB and Omnicom road trip as #NOQUO continues to pop up at different locations over the next couple years.