
Supporting frontline workers with messages of hope

adam&eveDDB | Frontline19

Unexpected: While some of us dare to imagine a world after Covid19, 3 million NHS and frontline workers carry it with them every day. So much so, 2 in 5 NHS frontline staff are now suffering from PTSD. That’s double the rate found in military veterans with recent combat experience. One crisis has caused another.

Partnering with charity, Frontline19, on Emergency Services Day in September 2021, we launched Hopeline19. A national phone service for the public to leave a message of support, gratitude and love for those fighting to keep us safe. Anyone who needs it can call the line for free 24/7 to hear a randomised series of messages from the public.

Works: Hopeline19 has become a lifeline for the NHS. At its peak, the line receive 6000 calls a day from and thus far, 76,350 minutes of support have been delivered directly to frontline workers. This poignant and powerful campaign received a coveted and rare D&AD Black

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